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2009.09.28. 16:59 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Memorable Movies - Falling Down

Címkék: english michael douglas memorable movies

Would you like to know what happens when Mr. John Average decides to step on the warpath in the scary and hostile jungle of a metropolis? Are you curious to see how easy it is to lose directions in a time of profound changes? Then Falling Down is the movie you should watch sometime.   William…

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2009.09.28. 00:13 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Heti dal: INXS - Mystify

Címkék: english music inxs

In case you don't know, INXS is an Australian rock band, originally formed as The Farriss Brothers in Sydney in 1977. Their music, which was initially influenced by New Wave, ska and pop elements, reached international popularity with a series of hit recordings in the late 1980s. Tragically, in 1997…

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2009.09.27. 19:24 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 12 - Tender Feelings Caused By Heart-Shaped Rifle Scopes

Címkék: english álhír mesterlövész

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek:   A new heart-shaped sniper scope makes it impossible for Marines to shoot enemies. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. US Marine marksmen have come…

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2009.09.26. 15:13 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 11 - A Benevolent Tumour Blessed With Divine Power

Címkék: english álhír pope

____________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek:   A benign growth recently removed from Pope Benedict's head is now blessing things on its own. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. An operation to remove a harmless tumor…

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2009.09.25. 23:09 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 10 - A Tattoo Interpreted By Another Tattoo

Címkék: english álhír tattoo

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: A second tattoo is added to explain a first tattoo. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Frustrated by constantly having to answer questions about a recent tattoo of a four-leaf…

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2009.09.25. 13:45 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Song for the weekend: Morcheeba - Run Honey Run

Címkék: english music morcheeba

In case you don't know, Morcheeba are a British band, formed by the Godfrey brothers in London. They are famous for mixing influences from trip hop, rock, dub, soul, rhythm and blues and pop, defying categorisation as one of their main aim is never to repeat themselves. I first encountered with…

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2009.09.24. 07:14 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 9 - Pop Star's Precious Hands Claimed To Be Worthless

Címkék: english álhír rock and roll

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: An insurance company sets the value of John Mayer's hands at just under 38 dollars. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Singer and guitarist John Mayer was reported to be very…

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2009.09.24. 05:31 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Memorable Movies - The Matrix

Címkék: english keanu reeves memorable movies

Have you ever had a dream so realistic that you eventually woke up not being really sure you were still in bed? Have you ever had a strange or shocking experience in your life you wished it hadn't been real? Then the Matrix is the movie you've been looking for.   The plot seems to be rather…

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2009.09.22. 21:02 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 8 - Watch Out For Dead Bodies In Your Garden

Címkék: english álhír lawn mower

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: An area man mowes around a dead body. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. While mowing around his front lawn yesterday, Brad Selence opted to mow around a human corpse that had…

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2009.09.22. 15:11 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 7 - A Gorgeous Extraterrestrial Wants To Understand The Concept Of Love

Címkék: english álhír alien

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: A sexy alien does not understand this thing earthlings call 'love'. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. A courageous green-skinned explorer from the planet Zardaxia Prime…

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2009.09.21. 00:16 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Heti dal: Marie Claire D'Ubaldo - The Rhythm Is Magic

Címkék: english music marie claire dubaldo

In case you don't know, Marie Claire D'Ubaldo is a successful Argentinian singer and songwriter. Being a number one hit in Italy for five weeks in the summer of 1994, it's little wonder that this song was also included in the soundtrack of Leonardo Pieraccioni's  awesome comedy, Il Ciclone (The…

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