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2009.10.16. 04:48 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Memorable Movies - A Bronx Tale

Címkék: english robert de niro memorable movies

The review of this movie is coming soon...   ____________________________________________________________________________ Lorenzo             Is Sonny around? Man in the bar…


2009.10.13. 00:03 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 17 - A Revolutionary Cereal Invented To Combat Hunger

Címkék: english álhír gabonapehely

____________________________________________________________________________________   A new cereal for the poor stays crunchy in water. It's the Onion Radio News, I'm Doyle Redland. Kellogg's unveiled Porros today, a new cereal served with water instead of milk. It is targeted to the…

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2009.10.12. 00:40 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Song of the Week: Sir Oliver Mally's Blues Distillery - I'd Rather

Címkék: english music sir oliver mally

In case you don't know, Sir Oliver Mally's Blues Distillery is an Austrian blues band. No, there's no misspelling here, I really meant to write 'Austrian' instead of 'Australian'. I discovered their music sometime in the mid-90s almost by accident, and I immediately got fascinated by their…

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2009.10.10. 18:16 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Memorable Movies - Dead Poets Society

Címkék: english robin williams memorable movies

The review of this movie is coming soon...   _____________________________________________________________________ Keating Well come on..."Oh Captain, My Captain" who knows where that comes from? Anybody? Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham…

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2009.10.10. 00:45 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Song for the weekend: Katie Melua - I Cried For You

Címkék: english music katie melua

In case you don't know, Katie Melua is a British singer and songwriter, born in Georgia, of the former USSR in 1984. Her parents decided to move to Northern Ireland when she was eight years old, so it's little wonder that her bluesy and jazzy feeling tunes are influenced by the folk music she heard…

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2009.10.08. 00:30 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 16 - Forge Ahead And Make Your Dreams Come True

Címkék: english álhír tanács

______________________________________________________________________________ New high school alumni make successful use of vague graduation advice. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Their high school commencement ceremonies are long past now but former students from…

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2009.10.06. 01:14 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 15 - Moneylender Seeks Spiritual Guidance For Torturing Debtors

Címkék: english álhír uzsorás

______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek:   A Christian loan shark prays for the strength to break another thumb. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Low-level criminal Kevin 'Nails' McNulty sought guidance from the…

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2009.10.05. 00:10 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Heti dal: Living Colour - Flying

Címkék: living colour english music

It's hard for me not to get sappy when speaking or writing about this group but I'll try to cut it short this time. Well, in case you don't know, Living Colour is a hardrock band from New York, founded in 1986. They have been experimenting with lots of effects throughout the years, combining reggae,…

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2009.10.04. 13:19 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 14 - A Novice Assassin's Failure To Cut Throat By The Book

Címkék: english álhír orgyilkos

______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek:   An amateur assassin slits a throat from ear to nose. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Noted assassin mentor, Ivan Gregovich felt humiliated today as he watched his…


2009.10.03. 00:11 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Song for the weekend: Guano Apes - Rain

Címkék: english music guano apes

In case you don't know, Guano Apes is a German alternative rock band, formed in Göttingen in 1994. With the combination of hearty and unusual rhythms, they stormed through Germany’s music scene with their debut album, Proud Like A God in 1997 and took off for full-scale tours through most of…

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2009.10.02. 00:03 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 13 - God Disturbed By Prayer Over A Football Match

Címkék: english álhír levelibéka

______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek:   God smites an area man for distracting him from tree frogs. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Local worshipper, Dennis Hupner was struck and killed by a lightning bolt…

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