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2009.09.25. 13:45 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Song for the weekend: Morcheeba - Run Honey Run

Címkék: english music morcheeba

In case you don't know, Morcheeba are a British band, formed by the Godfrey brothers in London. They are famous for mixing influences from trip hop, rock, dub, soul, rhythm and blues and pop, defying categorisation as one of their main aim is never to repeat themselves. I first encountered with their songs sometime in the mid-1990s when I was trying out some psychedelic substances (yeah, no doubt you've figured out: drugs). Later I was rehabilitated but the love of their music has remained. The song you're about to listen to is on their sixth studio album Dive Deep, released in 2008.



For those of you interested:


Run Honey Run

Well I wish I could think of some cliché to mouth
To make our parting seem less sad
But if I told you lies or promised you the moon
The truth would come trickling from my eyes

So run honey run, and hide in the wind
And never stop to look inside your mind

And I wish I could wash all my weeping blues away
And watch them disappear on morning tide

But I seek after sword, after sounds of the sea
A charm forever round my mind

So run honey run, and hide in the wind
And never stop to look inside your mind

And I wish I could fly like a bat from a cave
Through the darkness of my ignorance to light
I'd forever live on the echoes of our love
And die like some star burning brig



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