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2009.09.14. 14:16 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 6 - A Chocolate Factory Full Of Tourist Workforce

Címkék: english álhír chocolate

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: A Chocolate Factory Switches To All-Tourist Labour. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. A tour group of people who have always dreamed of working in a chocolate factory got…

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2009.09.12. 10:53 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 5 - President Obama's unscheduled roof-top news conference

Címkék: english álhír barack obama

_______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: President Obama holds a surprise roof-top press conference. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. President Barack Obama caught Capitol Hill reporters off guard today by…

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2009.09.02. 12:25 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 4 - A Mischievous Dog Is Not Trusted Anymore

Címkék: kutya english álhír

_____________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: An area dog can no longer be trusted. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Family members close to a golden retriever named Clancy were deeply troubled today, after discovering…

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2009.08.30. 10:21 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 3 - Disappointed God Nearly Out Of Believers

Címkék: english viking álhír odin

____________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: The Viking god, Odin is down to his last 4 worshippers. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. Odin, the supreme ruler of the north gods admitted to reporters today that he is now…

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2009.08.29. 15:43 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 2 - Man Furious About Not Having Enough Feta

Címkék: english görög álhír feta

______________________________________________________________________________ Az értőnek: A man who didn't get enough feta riots outside the Greek embassy. It's the Onion Radio News, this is Doyle Redland reporting. A customer infuriated over the small amount…

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2009.08.29. 14:06 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Silly news reports No. 1 - Crash Test Dummy On The Run

Címkék: bmw english álhír próbabábu

Mindig vonzottak az álhírek. Nem akarnak manipulálni, elhallgatni, célozgatni, véleményt formálni. Az álhír az, ami: jó esetben minőségi baromság, a híradás és tájékoztatás formai követelményeinek maximálisan megfelelve. …

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