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A hopefully entertaining supplementary source for learners of English and for those who haven't made up their minds yet - Remélhetőleg szórakoztató kiegészítő forrás angolul tanulóknak, és azoknak, akik még nem szánták rá magukat.

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2009.09.30. 00:10 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Picture of the Day - Just a stone's throw away

Címkék: daily funny pics

If you're not satisfied with the current state of affairs in your country, you've got plenty of choices to express your discontent. There's a wide range from grumbling alone in front of your TV set to marching along with thousands of angry fellow protesters. Once out on the street, you can easily get mixed up in a ferocious riot. If you're not an expert in the art of rebellion, you may find it useful to read this makeshift guideline written on the pavement. Needless to say, the order of instructions is very important here: don't you ever try to throw the piece of stone unless removing cement first, otherwise it won't operate properly. Um, speaking of stones, I think fate is not as fair as it is supposed to be: in some Islamic countries you can be stoned to death, in some liberal countries you can be dead stoned. It's quite weird, isn't it?



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