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2009.10.01. 00:04 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Picture of the Day - McDonald's with rural charm

Címkék: daily funny pics

From now on, thanks to McDonald's new Village Franchise Initiative, you don't need to miss the familiar flavours of your favourite fast food restaurant chain when you go on a trip to the countryside or get stuck in the middle of nowhere. The proud franchisees of the place shown below announced that they had been given the permission to use solely home-grown and organic ingredients for the usual recipes. They also expressed their strong hope that with the introduction of some new menus such as Big N Nasty, Chicken McThrill and Crispy McManure, they would succeed in alluring more locals to eat there and turn them into regular customers. Well, it's still up to you to decide how hungry you have to be to get the taste of their, um, plain cooking. (Your suspicion is right, I'm afraid: that half-naked bloke standing in the background really seems to start throwing up the rural BigMac he finished off half an hour ago. It must be his unique way to guard against the harmful effects of high chalorie intake, I suppose.)



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