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2009.10.07. 00:36 Savage Sentimental & The Cool Breeze Foundation

Picture of the Day - A bullet-proof evidence

Címkék: daily funny pics

Believe me, I've desperately been trying to give up smoking but all my pathetic efforts, um, have gone up in smoke so far. Why? Because I always went about it the wrong way. Because after trying out nicotine patches, herbal remedies, acupuncture, crystal healing, homeopathy, magnetic therapy and some yoga exercises for helping me to stay off cigarettes, finally I had to realize that the only way of kicking the habit for keeps is quitting cold turkey. Because I needed to come to terms with the fact that it was not cigarettes what I was fighting against but my very own mind. For everyone of you struggling with nicotine addiction: once you accept this, you cannot hide behind your foolish excuses like 'I made a list containing the reasons why I want to quit but I've lost it' or 'I've changed my mind 'cause smoking relieves me from most of my anxieties' or 'at least it makes me feel occupied, it's a kind of reward, you know.' Yes, I know it goddamn well and I wish I didn't... By the way, inspired by this picture, let me suggest a catchy advertising slogan for a new anti-smoking campaign: Cigarette? You need it like a bullet in the head.



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